РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика/2015/№ 1/

Computational Scheme for Solving Heat Conduction Problem in Multilayer Cylindrical Domain

The computational scheme for solving heat conduction problem with periodic source function in multilayer cylindrical domain is suggested. The domain has a non-trivial geometry and the thermal coeficfients are non-linear functions of temperature and have discontinuity of the first kind at the borders of the layers. The computational scheme is based on an algorithm for solving difference problem using the explicit-implicit method. The OpenCL realization of the suggested algorithm for calculations performed on a GPU is also compared to calculations performed using a CPU. It is shown that the scheme can be successfully applied to simulations of thermal processes in pulsed cryogenic cell, which is intended for pulse feeding the working gases into the working space of the ion source within the millisecond range. The results are given for a simulation of one of the particular cell structures, which is assumed to correspond to the practical realization. The computational scheme can be used for the optimization problem of the cell model parameters.

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