РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Педиатрическая фармакология/2016/№ 2/
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Neurological problems constitute an important part child’s dysfunction and may benefit considerably from the 172 of pediatric practice. When questioned, developmental pediatrician’s intervention. Moreover, medication-related delays or concerns are found in 10–40% of children problems such as adverse effects on behaviour or general seen in outpatient clinics for unrelated reasons. Timely health can be best detected by the pediatrician who follows diagnosis of developmental delays can only be made by the child. I pediatricians who are aware of this fact. Therefore practi- Neurological problems also constitute a considerable и cal, reliable, and inexpensive methods, such as standard portion of the hospitalist’s work. As an example, they A S developmental screening tests, are needed to assess the form about one-fourth of pediatric intensive care unit P E child’s developmental level. Although particular attention admissions, and about one fifth of the pediatric consultaN U should be given to early infancy and preschool periods, the tions. Moreover, neurology patients have higher mortality. A role of the pediatrician in following neurological develop- Neonatal and adolescent periods, the two extremes of the P E ment clearly does not end after the child reaches school pediatric age group, are particular periods where col- м age. The pediatrician is practically also a family physi- laboration between pediatric subspecialties is important. л cian: working closely with the child, parents, and other As examined in detail at the congress, transition of the а и health or educational professionals, he/she ascertains adolescent with a chronic health problem to adult health р е т the child’s developmental adaptation and social adjust- services is being increasingly recognized as a vulnerable а ment as well as parents’ and teachers’ understanding. time for the patient, when collaboration with adult neuroloм о The 7th EUROPAEDIATRICS in Florence provided the gy makes an important difference. П opportunity of presenting these tools and emphasising During the congress, common neurological symptoms the particular time points and contexts where the pediatri- of childhood were taken up in joint pediatrics-pediatric cians’ role becomes crucial for the neurological and deve- neurology sessions: headache, gait abnormalities, and lopmental outcome of the child. developmental delays. Practical neurological examination An important group consists of babies at risk for neu- was demonstrated with images and videos of normal and rological problems, whose majority consists of prematurely abnormal findings, providing the audience with imporborn babies in developed countries. They benefit from tant clues applicable in a busy daily practice. The difearly intervention, increased parent-child interaction through ficulties of the examination of young children and posstimulation and play, and families benefit from support and sible solutions were discussed in real-world situations. education. Close follow-up allows the pediatrician to detect The need to be creative in the examination of a nonmotor or cognitive delays in time and refer the child for early cooperative toddler, the opportunistic examination of a treatment and special education. scared infant or young child, the value of direct observa-

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PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY FOR THE PEDIATRICIAN: JOINT SESSIONS OF THE EPA AND THE EUROPEAN PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY SOCIETY (EPNS) AT THE 7th EUROPAEDIATRICS CONGRESS, FLORENCE 2015 Banu ANLAR, MD, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey EPNS Board Education and Training Committee 172 Neurological problems constitute an important part of pediatric practice. <...> When questioned, developmental delays or concerns are found in 10–40% of children seen in outpatient clinics for unrelated reasons. <...> Timely diag nosis of developmental delays can only be made by pediatricians who are aware of this fact. <...> Therefore practical, reliable, and inexpensive methods, such as standard developmental screening tests, are needed to assess the child’s developmental level. <...> Although particular attention should be given to early infancy and preschool periods, the role of the pediatrician in following neurological development clearly does not end after the child reaches school age. <...> The 7th EUROPAEDIATRICS in Florence provided the op portunity of presenting these tools and emphasising the particular time points and contexts where the pediatricians’ role becomes crucial for the neurological and developmental outcome of the child. <...> An important group consists of babies at risk for neurological problems, whose majority consists of prematurely born babies in developed countries. <...> They benefit from early intervention, increased parent-child interaction through stimulation and play, and families benefit from support and education. <...> Neonatal and adolescent periods, the two extremes of the pediatric age group, are particular periods where collaboration between pediatric subspecialties is important. <...> As examined in detail at the congress, transition of the adolescent with a chronic health problem to adult health services is being increasingly recognized as a vulnerable time for the patient, when collaboration with adult neurology makes an important difference. <...> During the congress, common neurological symptoms of childhood were taken up in joint pediatrics-pediatric neurology sessions: headache, gait abnormalities, and developmental delays. <...> Practical neurological examination was demonstrated with images and videos of normal and abnormal findings, providing the audience with important clues applicable in a busy daily practice. <...> The difficulties of the examination of young children and possible solutions were discussed in real-world situations. <...> The need to be creative in the examination of a noncooperative toddler, the opportunistic examination of a scared infant <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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