РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/
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Crow`s indices of differential fertility in Russia`s two largest cities

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98 Section HUMANS and ENVIRONMENT lead to a decrease in consuming traditional foods among the indigenous people of the Russian Arctic. <...> Key words: nutrition, lifestyle, vitamin D, 25OHD, indigenous people, circumpolar regions, Arctic Contact information: Kozlov Andrew, e-mail: <...> TO THE BIOARCHAEOLOGY OF CHILDREN’S BURIALS FROM GONUR-DEPE BRONZE AGE SITE, TURKMENISTAN Kufterin Vladimir M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa, Russia The aim of this communication is to discuss the results of bioarchaeological investigations of the remains from Gonur-depe tombs, where sub-adult human beings were buried. <...> Gonur-depe is a well-known Bactria-Margiana archaeological complex site (Southern Turkmenistan, III–II mill. <...> Deviations from the M. Maresh standards were calculated by dividing the individual values of the parameter to the age standard ones. <...> Individual deviations from the age standards vary in the range of 0.73–1.02 (average value – 0.90). <...> Proximal segments of the extremities reveal a greater delay in growth rather than the distal ones. <...> The infants aged 0.2–2 years demonstrate the smallest “lag” from age standards of longitudinal growth rates. <...> Primary distal growth in the sub-adult sample is connected with the dolicho- and mesomorphic types of body proportions (relatively elongated forearm and calf). <...> Overall, the results of bioarchaeological research of the sub-adult burials from Gonur-depe confi rm once more the thesis about good adaptation of this ancient group to the local environmental conditions and show that main body proportions of the adaptive types according to Tatyana Alexeeva (in this case – the Arid one) are formed in the early childhood. <...> Key words: bioarchaeology, children’s burials, Arid adaptive type, Turkmenistan, Bronze Age Contact information: Kufterin Vladimir, e-mail: <...> CROW’S INDICES OF DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY IN RUSSIA’S TWO LARGEST CITIES: INTERETHNIC VARIATION AND SECULAR TRENDS Kurbatova Olga, Pobedonostseva Elena Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Using Russia’s 2002 census data, population replacement parameters and Crow’s indices of the opportunity for selection have been analyzed in Moscow and St.-Petersburg in 7 cohorts of females with completed fertility (years of birth from the early 20th century <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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