РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Философские науки/2015/№ 6/

About the Authors

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About the Authors Philosophical Sciences – 6/2015 Kanakov, Dmitry – Associate Professor (Moscow State University of Railway Transport), Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Karpov, AlexanderHead of the Department for Youth Programs and Projects, Leading Research Fellow (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. <...> Kiryazev, Olegprofessor (Institute of Arts and Information Technologies, Zelenograd). <...> Kravchenko, Andrey – postgraduate student (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). <...> Lipsky, Evgeny – Senior Lecturer (St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)), Science of Editor (Journal Philosophical Sciences), Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Mikhaylov, Igor – Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Modern Western philosophy, Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Przhilensky, Vladimir – professor (Kutafin Moscow State Law University), D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Riabov, Piotr – Associate Professor (Institute for Social and Humanitarian Education at the Moscow State Pedagogical University), Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Ryabushkina, Tatiana – Senior Lecturer (National Research University High School Economics), Ph.D. in Philosophy. <...> Semenov, Valeriy – Professor (Kutafin Moscow State Law University), D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Shevchenko, Vladimir – Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Philosophical Problems of Policy, D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Spiridonova, Valeria – Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Philosophical Problems of Policy, D.Sc. in Philosophy. <...> Visgin, Victor – Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Modern Western Philosophy, D.Sc. in Philosophy. ! <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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