Философские основания педагогики досуга
Рассматривается широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с генезисом педагогики досуга
Тематические рубрики
Предметные рубрики
В этом же номере:
Резюме по документу**
Таким образом, разработанные специальные языковые курсы в рамках
дисциплины «Русский язык как иностранный» способствуют формированию и
развитию вторичной языковой личности иностранного бакалавра-нефилолога. <...> Аспекты языковой личности // Языковая личность: проблемы
когниции и коммуникации. – Волгоград, 2001.
4. <...> Maria Truszkowska-Wojtkowiak
Associate Professor
Higher School of Humanity,
Gdansk, Poland
Philosophical roots of leisure pedagogy
Философские основания педагогики досуга
Рассматривается широкий спектр вопросов, связанных с генезисом педагогики
Ключевые слова: педагогика досуга, философия; концепция; подход; история
The idea of leisure time society is growing from the mid-twentieth century
makes us pay attention to the higher forms of this time, believing that they will be
linked with the positive experiences. <...> Leisure behavior, as well as recreation, was
from the beginning, the prerogative of the elites and the subjective personal affirmation of liberty, which are now expected to involve an increasing number of citizens. <...> The perception of leisure, gained the rank of the subjectively perceived phenomenon and have been categorized by Socrates as specifics state of mind - scholй (σχоλή), although historically oscillated between both subjective and objective perception. <...> Aristotle indicates that the leisure experience should be an desire, auto telic, voluntary, willingness and non-profit behavior and its highest form is to be subjective and rational state of mind because a ―man is what he is thinking‖1. <...> What makes the Greek period characteristic, - it seems - the emphasis on the secular character of leisure time. <...> Greek culture did not create the "theology of leisure," which simultaneously took place, for example, among the Jews, and later on among the Christians. <...> This was confirmed by literary works of Homer, but also in the texts of the philosophers, starting from Plato and Aristotle onwards. <...> In the works of Aristotle particularly, there was pointed out that the use of leisure time has a class character. <...> Another character has the free time of the citizen, and another belongs to slave. <...> The division into classes - according to Aristotle - comes from the culture of ancient Egypt and is good for all2. <...> Classical value of leisure time in European culture are the follows: Firstly: leisure time is the goal of any human activity because of the need to develop <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности
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