РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/
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Russian field studies of ethnic groups in China and Southeast Asia

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64 Section HUMAN DIVERSITY Section HUMAN DIVERSITY RUSSIAN FIELD STUDIES OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN CHINA AND SOUTHEAST ASIA Aksyanova Galina Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia The Russian school of physical anthropology is one of the oldest in Europe. <...> Russian researchers have been actively engaged in studying modern and ancient populations in multinational Russia and abroad. <...> In the 19th century N.N. Miklukho Maklay described several ethnic groups of the Malay Peninsula and Oceania. <...> In the 20th century a wide range of methods and hypotheses relating to craniology, anthropometry, dental anthropology, dermatoglyphycs, and genetics was introduced, and further studies of various populations of the world were carried out. <...> He studied northern and southern Chinese and other ethnic groups in Guangdong – Huay, Yao, Miao, Li (see Ethnic anthropology of China, in Russian, Moscow, 1982). <...> Data on the peoples of China are important for elaborating the classifi cation of Asian Mongoloids. <...> According to Cheboksarov, Mongoloids fall into the Continental and Pacifi c branches. <...> The latter branch is divided into Eastern (Arctic and Far Eastern) and Southern Mongoloids. <...> All native peoples of South China, Southeast Asia, and several neighboring regions form the southern Mongoloid area. <...> Cheboksarov described the Eastern Himalayan anthropological type of southern Mongoloids together with the Tai Malay and Indonesian varieties. <...> Anthropometric and dental variation in Thay (three local groups), Khmu, northern Viet, Cham, and Churu was studied by I.M. Zolotareva, A.G. Kozintsev, and G.A. Aksyanova during the Soviet Vietnamese ethnographic and anthropological expeditions in 1976–78 and 1984 (see in The Paths of Mankind’s Biological History, in Russian, Moscow, 2002). <...> Three major phenomena were described: (1) contacts between Mongoloids and Veddo Australoids in Southeast Asia; (2) increase of Mongoloid features in Vietnam from the Bronze Age onward; (3) the affi nities of the northern Viet with the Far Eastern racial type. <...> In 1987, V.P. Alexeev studied the aboriginal groups of the Tay Nguyen plateau and in 1988 90 V.A. Sheremetieva studied several groups of northern and southern Viet (unpublished results). <...> East and Southeast Asia remain the key areas for fi eld work and theoretical <...>
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