РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Modern Russian facial reconstruction school

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Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY MODERN RUSSIAN FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION SCHOOL Veselovskaya Elizaveta1 , Grigoryeva Olga1 , Rasskazova Anna1,2 1Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Mikhail Gerasimov was the fi rst who invented scientifi cally substantiated method of individual facial reconstruction based on subjacent cranial structures analysis. <...> Nowadays, the Laboratory of Anthropological Reconstruction of Russian Academy of Science is proceeding with his research concerning the problem of correspondence between facial structures and cranial elements. <...> The craniofacial correspondence program was also created, being an algorithm of transition from cranium dimensions and characteristics determined to corresponding facial dimensions and characteristics. <...> A system of regression equations has been produced to calculate such characteristics as ear height and physiognomic facial height, nose and mouth width. <...> Regression equations are also used to estimate such characteristics as nasal labial fold width and eye fi ssure dimensions. <...> High correlation coeffi cient rates between mouth and dental arch width, orbit and eye fi ssure dimensions, nose width and juga alveolaria are demonstrated both for Mongoloids and Caucasians. <...> Anthropological reconstruction today is successfully used in many fi elds of research, particularly in the historical persons’ identifi cation. <...> For example, craniofacial reconstruction was used to identify the skull found in Ermolov’s crypt. <...> Another case was the identifi cation of the skull found in Novoierusalimsky monastery, which presumably belonged to Arkadiy Suvorov, the son of the famous commander Alexander Suvorov. <...> The method of craniofacial reconstruction is used to visualize anthropological data. <...> The above-mentioned method is widely used in forensic science (undefi ned remains identifi cation). <...> Special procedures have been worked out to reconstruct the appearance basing on mummifi ed materials. <...> Key words: facial reconstruction, craniofacial identifi cation, forensic science Contact information: Veselovskaya Elizaveta, e-mail: 47 19 Конгресс Европейской Антропологической Ассоциации МГУ имени М. <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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