РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Biological basis of modern high performance sport

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44 Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY The results are as follows: 1. <...> According to the calculated CSDs, men in 53 measurements substantially exceed women athletes, mostly in lengths dimensions and diameters. <...> The analysis of the CSDs for body mass components shows the large values of indicators of fat mass in women’s bodies and, vice versa, active cell, bone and skeletal muscle mass in men, which is confi rmed by the results of bioimpedance examination. <...> Key words: freestyle wrestlers, body dimensions, body mass components, coeffi cient of sexual dimorphism Contact information: Semenov Muradin, e-mail: <...> BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF MODERN HIGH PERFORMANCE SPORT Shestakov Mikhail Federal State Training Center of the Russian National Teams, Moscow, Russia Till now development of physical and psychological abilities in athletes was mainly provided by intensifi cation of training process aimed at reaching maximal capacity in various body systems, in particular by maintaining high work capacity by means of doping accompanied by the out-of-limit expenditures of vitally important reserves of the organism. <...> The diffi cult situation that we currently observe in sport science is formed by more and more evident contradictions between the already existing and the required knowledge about human organism on the one hand, and ways of achieving sport goals in young and adult athletes by means of physical work capacity stimulation pushing the limits of human capacities, on the other hand. <...> This task should be focused on “creating conditions for realization of near-maximal natural capacities of a human organism”, rather than on “achieving a top result”. <...> We think simulation modeling based on the informational approach to be a key method permitting to reveal time aspects of the evolution of joint work at those levels, provided mathematical means are adequate to biological laws. <...> In this context special attention should be paid to the use of molecular computers, development of special complexes fi tted with an interface for on-line control of processes, which take place in the athlete’s organism at the cellular level. <...> Hybrid systems of artifi cial intelligence permit to create models of voluntary movements control in athletes. <...> The priorities of forming sport culture of an athlete can shift <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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