РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология./2014/№ 3/

Sexual dimorphism of morphological features in highly qualified freestyle wrestlers

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Section APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY 43 disease more common in children. <...> The present study identifi es pathological changes in the pneumatised cells of the mastoid process based on macroscopic, light microscopic, radiological and x-ray computed tomography investigations in human skeletal remains from the Late Ottoman Empire Period in Karacaahmet Cemetery, İstanbul, Turkey. <...> During the examinations from Karacaahmet Skeletal Collection, a mastoiditis case was diagnosed, which is so far the fi rst known from Ottoman collections. <...> STATURE ESTIMATION FROM THE RADIOGRAPHS OF METATARSALS IN TURKISH POPULATION Sağır Seзil1 Turkey 2 , Sağır Mehmet2 1Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Anthropology, Bağbaşı Campus, Kırşehir, Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History and Geography, Department of Anthropology, Ankara, Turkey To determine stature is as important as the determination of sex and age when analyzing and identifying the remains of skeleton. <...> Stature, in an approximate and widespread manner, is being determined on the femur and tibia lengths, which are the long bones that directly affect the stature. <...> However, when long bones are not available or they are found in a very bad state of preservation that does not permit any estimation of stature, then other bones of the body are also being used for this purpose. <...> The aim of this study is to determine stature with the help of metatarsals in Turkish population. <...> In this study, by using the x-ray fi lms for the metatarsals bones of 100 women and 100 men, the Bayesian regression equations have been produced for 5 metatarsal bones. <...> The coeffi cients of correlation existing between the metatarsal bones and stature, together with the standard errors of these equations, have been examined at length throughout this study. <...> SEXUAL DIMORPHISM OF MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES IN HIGHLY QUALIFIED FREESTYLE WRESTLERS Semenov Muradin Department of Biomedical Support MGFSO, Moscow Sport Committee, Moscow, Russia For the analysis of sex differences in the morphology of freestyle wrestlers data of 133 women and 88 men were used. <...> The program included 69 absolute and relative indicators of total body size, body proportions, girths, body mass components. <...> The degree (%) and direction of sexual differentiation of each characteristic in women athletes compared <...>
** - вычисляется автоматически, возможны погрешности

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