РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences/2015/№ 6/

Revisiting the Problem of Development the Tools on Effectiveness of Regional Economic Mechanisms

The article studies the processes connected with the economic effects of globalization, which, in particular, is manifested in the need for redistribution of the powers of different branches of government in Russia. The author reveals the best management tools that guarantee a certain level of the regional economy efёciency. In addition, conceptual directions of speciёc industries reforming, as well as development of the mechanisms for the redistribution of power management power verticals are analyzed. The author reasons the necessity for economic theory that could more adequately reяect the essence of modern processes in the Russian economy. The paper analyzes potential opportunities of economy in the context of globalization. The author studies theoretical aspects of the Russian economy development, which is heavily inяuenced by global trends. Development of a new economic theory which would represent the optimal combination of traditional and modern economic doctrines, according to the author’s opinion, is a critical need for modern global science. In the modern dynamic social-economic situation labor and education market is very volatile. A person should be able quickly orient in the changing environment and constantly choose from many alternatives that are the most suitable to him. The ability to choose consciously is one of the key skills of a modern man. This is what the majority of respondents, who in the future are going to work in their chosen specialty, believe. The problem is that analysis of almost any socio-economic process or phenomenon requires an integrated approach from the social sciences, without any claims to universality of any single theory or science, and when studying the shadow economy the focus is quite often exclusively made on institutional and legal aspects, both the problem itself and its solution. Economic development is accompanied by, and sometimes is produced by development of a subject and its activities, and major bifurcation points are accompanied by abrupt changes in its motivation as well as degree of specialization and ways of accommodation of interests. In theory of stratiёcation economic processes are revealed through such sociological categories as “person’s social status”, “social bonds”, “interaction between individuals and groups”, “group dynamics”, “social behavior”, “social exchange”, etc. As demonstrated in the article, economic criteria for assessing the status of the studied layers are ownership of productive property (capital), employment status, employment sector according to the form of property, social and sectorial employment, position in the management hierarchy and degree of well-being.

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