РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences/2015/№ 6/

The Essence of Pressure of Globalization in Modern Times: the Socio-Philosophical Aspects of the Problem

The article investigates an important scientiёc problem of our time, associated with all forms of modern globalization processes. The author emphasizes the particular manifestation of globalization pressures in the social ёeld. The real opposition to such negative manifestations of contemporary globalization is, in my opinion, the social immune system. It is shown in the paper with a reference to historical traditions and the mentality of a particular society. The term “global pressure” which acts as an important feature of globalization, as well as similar concepts of “planetary”, “universal”, “world” used in one way or another, since antiquity. However, the transition from the concept to the term, and then to the conceptual use of this term occurred relatively recently. It is noteworthy that in this connection many textbooks and dictionaries yet do not use the term “globalization”, but when characterizing the subject and methods of global studies stress that this “scientiёc ёeld, quickly ёnds signs of a new independent science”. This underscores the novelty of this new direction of research. The complex nature and dynamics of globalization pressure as an object of study and inevitable in this case, interdisciplinary signiёcantly impede the establishment of clear boundaries of the test subject, as they often merge with other areas of knowledge: futurology, cultural studies and philosophy. In addition, the theoretical knowledge gained in global studies, are often associated with the need to take concrete decisions, which also determines the expansion of the frontiers of the subject. Investigation of the features of the globalization pressure, as shown in this article is based on a desire to show the existence of globalization, its diversity, so this paper discusses the methodology of the study of different types of society, historical patterns of social structures, as well as from the standpoint of the stability of the objective and subjective determinants globalization pressures. All these provisions should be investigated for understanding one of the most important at the present stage problems: how the design of human activities in the context of globalization corresponds to co-evolutionary model, harmonious and sustainable human existence in the world. Globalization pressures updated in the context of distinguishing between “natural globalization” or “globalization from below” and “managed globalization” or “globalization from above”. The essence of “natural globalization” means the process of expansion of the world of man and culture, enriching its value concepts, natural familiarity and comprehension of diversity being one culture by another. “Metaphysical” essence of “violent”, controlled globalization is that it is a policy directed from outside the universalization of achievements, which means the imposition of common values to the world community.

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