РУсскоязычный Архив Электронных СТатей периодических изданий
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences/2015/№ 6/

Presence of Spirituality in Social Consolidation in the World

The author makes an attempt to analyse from social and philosophical sides potential of actions against information terrorist threats of these days by the means of inяuence on processes of consolidation in the Russian society. As the result of this work, a conclusion about speciёc relation between consolidating ideas prevailing in the society and the level of resistance to destructive manipulative inяuence of terrorists (or ideologists of violence) is drawn. These results can be applied as an addition to current recommendations on countering terrorist threats and ensuring social and cultural safety. The formation of social consolidation mechanism lies in resolution of contradictions driven by the nature of social relations between dominance and submission, force and free will, disagreement and agreement. Consolidation is considered to be an essential factor for the existence of society, for its functioning and ability to identiёcation. Provided that, a manner of its implementation depends on different factors such as technological, economical, cultural, historical ones and etc. For a good understanding of problems related to consolidation (or dissociation) in the Russian society from methodological views and in accordance with research concepts provided by analysts from Irkutsk, we specify two types (streams) of consolidarity: vertical, i.e. an agreement between the government and society and vice versa); and horizontal, i.e. an agreement inside communities and between communities which build up the society. It is important to mention that vertical consolidation depends on deliberate initiative from the power and can be framed at will; a horizontal one has a natural format since can it be represented in a form of everyday engagement. The article draws attention to the concept of “spirituality” which now has slipped to the periphery of social conscience due to its identiёcation with religiosity, but is still popular in the society as a form of request for moral values or balanced personal development and can so far be kept current. A special point in the article is given to the fact that a traditional philosophical idea in Russia represents social and philosophical origin of “spirit”, “soul” and “spirituality” together with moral duty, with internal self-improvement and changes, with reason and sensibility integrity, freedom and responsibility. Pursuance of unity through unanimity, not by opposition between unity and personal freedom, but through freedom of every soul in its desire to achieve the Spirit is one of the most important part of Russian philosophy.

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